2020 President Reappointment Result

Dear KAHTEA members,


The Korea-America Hospitality & Tourism Educators Association (KAHTEA) Board of Directors is greatly pleased to announce that Dr. Chihyung Ok (Temple University, USA) was re-elected as the President of KAHTEA. Dr. Ok will serve his role as the President of KAHTEA until 2022.


The reappointment vote was held online from April 13, 2020 to April 17, 2020. Over half of the total 48 KAHTEA faculty members participated and all participants voted in favor of the reappointment. The reappointment result was approved by the KAHTEA Board of Directors on April 22, 2020. The KAHTEA Board of Directors thanks to everyone who participated in the reappointment process!




General Secretary

Dr. JungHoon Lee