AGHTJ Best Paper Award in KATHEA Conference


The AGHTJ, sponsored by the Korean Hospitality and Tourism Academe, invites conceptual, empirical, and methodological research papers. All submissions to the AGHTJ special issue must be original work not yet submitted to any other publication prior to the Conference. All submitted papers will follow a rigorous double-blind review process and will be accepted and only KATHEA conference formatting abstracts will be published in the Conference proceedings. Jurors will select the best full-paper award winner(s); there is a cash prize of US$500. Please note that papers that receive the award must be published in the special conference issue of the Academy of Global Hospitality and Tourism Journal (AGHTJ). Before a paper is published, all authors on the paper must submit an appropriate signed Copyright Form transferring copyright to the AGHTJ.

Submission Guidelines

This guideline for a full paper explains the format that you should follow when preparing your cover page, abstract page, and manuscript including references for submission in the Conference proceedings. If you have further questions, please contact Kisang Ryu, Ph.D. at

All documents- in English- should be typed in MS Word, using single spacing and on letter-sized paper (8.5 inches x 11 inches) with 1 inch margins on all sides. The length of all full paper submissions should be at least 2,000 words, with a maximum of 10,000, and be no longer than twenty pages, excluding the cover page and the abstract page. Use Times New Roman font, and save your manuscript under your first and last name. Please use APA format. If you plan to submit more than one paper to this conference, please add a numeric number after your last name (e.g., JohnSmith2.doc refers to the second submission). Your cooperation will save us time as we prepare the Conference proceedings.

1) Cover page 
The cover page should include the paper category (full paper), the title of the paper, the authors’ names, their institutional affiliations, and the full postal and e-mail address of each author.

2) Abstract page
Write the title of the paper in ALL CAPS, bold, and centered (12, Times New Roman). The authors’ names, affiliations, city, and country should also be centered and Times New Roman font size 10. The authors’ affiliations should not be repeated if multiple authors are from the same institution. Please include email addresses for references requests.
The length of the abstract should be 200 words maximum and no longer than one page. Include a maximum of five keywords from the paper underneath the abstract.

3) Manuscript
All levels of headings should be numbered. First level headings (i.e., Introduction, Literature review, Methods, and Results/Discussion/Implication) should be in bold. Subheadings should be in italics. First level heading numbers should be in Arabic numerals, for example “1.” and subheading numbers should be written using decimals in the tenth decimal place, for example “1.1.” The body text should begin immediately after the heading and should be single-spaced. All paragraphs should be indented.

4) Reference
Start the reference list on a new page, center the title “References,” and alphabetize the entries. Please refer to APA style for the reference list and in-text citations.